JavaScript is currently disabled on your browser.

In order to register for Facebook, you must have JavaScript enabled. For instructions on how to configure your browser, select from the list of supported browsers below:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Windows

  1. Select Internet Options from the Tools menu.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Click Custom Level in Security Level for this Zone.
  4. Scroll down to Scripting, near the bottom of the list.
  5. Under Active Scripting, choose Enable.

Firefox/Mozilla Windows

  1. Select Edit from the menu bar and click on Preferences.
  2. Click on plus sign next to Advanced to show Advanced options.
  3. Click on Scripts & Plugins.
  4. Click on the checkbox next to Navigator under Enable JavaScript for.

Firefox/Mozilla Mac

  1. Select Firefox/Mozilla from the menu bar and click on Preferences...
  2. Click on triangle next to Advanced to expand the sub-menu if needed.
  3. Click on Scripts & Plugins.
  4. Click on checkbox next to Navigator under Enable JavaScript for.


  1. Select Safari from the menu bar and click on Preferences...
  2. Click on the Security icon.
  3. Click on checkbox next to Enable JavaScript.